Set up Python 3 on the CentOS 7
This procedure is explaining how to install python 3.3.3 on the centos 7 via ssh console.
# yum -y update
-Install development tools
# yum groupinstall -y development
▶Source install
-Download the source archive
# wget
-Install required tools
# yum install xz-libs
# yum install -y zlib zlib-devel
-Extract the compressed source archive
# xz -d Python-3.3.3.tar.xz
# tar -xvf Python-3.3.3.tar
-Configure the source
Check all the dependencies and environment.
# cd Python-3.3.3
# ./configure
# make && make altinstall <--joint 2 commands
-Set up PATH
# export PATH="/path/to/isntallation:$PATH"
※To set up the PATH permanently:
# vi ~/.bashrc
add the line: export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/installation
▶YUM install
-Install yum-utils, a collection of utilities and plugins that extend and supplement yum
# yum -y install yum-utils
-Install IUS, which stands for Inline with Upstream Stable. A community project, IUS provides RPM packages for some newer versions of select software.
# yum -y install
※ CentOS is derived from RHEL, which has stability as its primary focus. Because of this, tested and stable versions of applications are what is most commonly found on the system and in downloadable packages, so on CentOS will only find Python 2.
# yum -y install python36u
-Install Python tool
# yum -y install python36u-pip
-Packages for libraries and header files for python 3 development
# yum -y install python36u-devel
-Set up Virtual environment: Using virtual environment for escaping from change of web application affecting to the development.
# python -m venv env_name
> You can only use small letter with no space
-Virtual environment control
# source /path/to/env_name/bin/activate
(env_name) # deactivate